Key Safety for Businesses

Key Safety for Businesses

4 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

As a business owner, it's up to you to control who has access to your business and to which parts of it.

If you're using standard locks and keys, however, this can be difficult. After all, keys can easily be duplicated and it can be hard to keep track of who has keys to your business.

By following a few simple tips, you can ensure better lock and key safety for your business.

Have Keys Custom-Made

While you could head to a kiosk inside of a local department store or even to a machine and have various keys made, this is not a very secure practice. These types of keys are often very standard and easily duplicated.

For better results, have both your locks and your keys custom-designed and installed for your business. This will make them much more secure. Locks will be harder to pick or break into, and keys will not be easily duplicated. For even more security, you can have your locksmith stamp a sign to other locksmiths on the key that will signal that the key is not be duplicated.

Change Your Locks Regularly

In addition to the above strategy, be sure to have your locks changed regularly. Yes, this can be a bit of an expense, especially since you'll have to issue new keys as well; but it's worth it, especially if your business has a high turnover rate. You don't want to take the chance of a security risk or leak.

For best results, consider the turnover of your business to decide how often you will change your locks. You may want to do this, for example, once every year or every five years. It's up to you. However, an experienced locksmith can advise you on how often you'll need your locks changed based on various information about your business.

Issue Keys Sparingly

As a final tip, issue keys to your business as sparingly as possible. The more keys you give out, the more chances there are for security risks, such as employees losing keys or employees who leave the company and fail to return their keys.

Only give someone a key when it's absolutely necessary for them to enter the workplace after hours or when no one else can let them in.

Every business deserves to be as safe and secure as possible. That all starts from the inside with good key and lock safety practices and the help of a professional commercial locksmith.

To learn more, contact a company offering commercial locksmith services.

About Me
Finding Better Locks

When was the last time you really took the time to think about the safety of your home? It isn't always easy to identify potential risks, but with a focus on security, you can make things a little easier. I have always loved looking through and finding different ways to protect my home, which is why I started focusing so carefully on finding better locks. This blog is all about doing what you can to make things better, so that you don't have to worry every night when you lay down to sleep. Check out this blog for great tips.
