How Do Locksmiths Replicate Different Types Of Car Keys?

How Do Locksmiths Replicate Different Types Of Car Keys?

30 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The process of vehicle key replacement has evolved significantly with advancements in technology. Today, locksmiths have to be skilled at duplicating a much wider range of car keys than used to be the case. Read on to learn more about how locksmiths replicate different types of keys when they are called upon for a car key replacement.

Standard Car Keys

Traditional car keys, often referred to by locksmiths as mechanical or metal keys, are the simplest type to replicate. These keys do not involve any electronic components and can be duplicated in a similar manner to regular keys, typically by using a key-cutting machine. The locksmith will take the original key and replicate its unique pattern onto a new key blank with a cutter. This mechanical process of car key replacement requires a steady hand and precise control to ensure an exact replica is made.

Transponder Keys

Transponder keys feature an embedded microchip. This is used to communicate with the vehicle's ignition system by sending a unique code to the car's computer. Without this function, the car won't start. When a transponder key car key replacement is needed, the locksmith will cut the key precisely, just like they're duplicating a mechanical key. However, they must also program the new transponder's microchip so that it can transmit the correct code. This involves using specialized diagnostic tools which connect to the car's onboard computer. If the transponder connection is established, then assigning a unique identification code the car will recognize becomes possible.

Remote Car Keys

Key fobs, or remote keys as they are commonly called, mean that motorists can lock and unlock their vehicles remotely. To replicate a key fob, locksmiths must duplicate the physical key and program the fob inside it to communicate with the car. A series of complex programming steps using specific software is needed to ensure that remote car keys cannot be replicated by thieves. Again specialized diagnostic tools will be needed, typically while the key is connected to the vehicle.

Smart Keys

Sometimes also known as proximity keys, smart car keys are the latest innovation in car security technology. They allow for keyless entry and ignition, with the car sensing the key's proximity to enable these functions. Smart car key replacement is a complicated process that requires both cutting a physical backup key and reprogramming a new smart key in much the same way as occurs with remote key duplication. The programming process varies by make and model, so locksmiths need to keep up-to-date with all of the developments in modern car production.

Contact a company that offers car key replacement services for more info.

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Finding Better Locks

When was the last time you really took the time to think about the safety of your home? It isn't always easy to identify potential risks, but with a focus on security, you can make things a little easier. I have always loved looking through and finding different ways to protect my home, which is why I started focusing so carefully on finding better locks. This blog is all about doing what you can to make things better, so that you don't have to worry every night when you lay down to sleep. Check out this blog for great tips.
