New House? Call A Locksmith

New House? Call A Locksmith

1 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Calling a locksmith is something many only consider doing after they have locked themselves out of their homes or cars. However, there is a lot more to locksmith services than many people realize. Locksmiths can make a home more secure, especially if it was just purchased. Old locks or locks that have had a lot of duplicate keys made for them can be a major security risk. Here are three ways a locksmith can help after purchasing a new home.

New Locks

Changing the locks on the home is an essential step that many new homeowners ignore. However, it's something that should be done as soon as possible. Switching out the locks will make it harder for strangers to break into the home. It's nearly impossible to determine if the previous owners or anyone else still has a key. Changing out the locks will ensure that anyone with a spare key will not be able to enter the home. There are two options, the locks can be re-keyed or completely replaced. It costs $5 to $25 per lock to re-key the locks while a full replacement costs between $20 and $30 per lock.

Security Installation

Another way a locksmith can help after purchasing a new home is by installing a security system. Locksmiths can add high-tech locks and cameras that can keep a home safe. They can also make sure the premises are as secure as possible and check locks on doors and windows. The average cost of adding security cameras can range from $250 to $950. After purchasing a home it's a good idea to consult with a locksmith on the best ways to make the new home secure. 

Upgrade The Locks

While traditional locks can be secure, there are new options available on the market. Locks that can be opened with bluetooth, biometrics, or even pass codes are becoming popular. These locks can offer an additional level of security. They also do away with the need for a physical key. The cost of these locks can be high. On average it costs between $100 and $500 per lock for these high tech options. The cost of this new technology can be worth it for some homeowners since these locks are more convenient as well as more secure than traditional locks.

After purchasing a new house, security is often the last thing on a new homeowner's mind. However, it's important to call a locksmith before settling in to a new home. Locksmiths can install new locks. add security features to the home, and upgrade the locks to new high-tech options.  

About Me
Finding Better Locks

When was the last time you really took the time to think about the safety of your home? It isn't always easy to identify potential risks, but with a focus on security, you can make things a little easier. I have always loved looking through and finding different ways to protect my home, which is why I started focusing so carefully on finding better locks. This blog is all about doing what you can to make things better, so that you don't have to worry every night when you lay down to sleep. Check out this blog for great tips.
